We are pleased to inform you that we will be opening our EMIR REFIT UAT environment on Monday 19 June 2023.
With this first Release, Participants will be able to:
- Access the EMIR REFIT Portal, using the new account and user interface for reporting and data access.
- Configure their new connectivity means, for those Participants willing to report via SFTP only. Webservice will not be available at this first stage.
- Report full set of lifecycle events allowed under schema auth.030.001.03.
- Have their reports validated (format, schema, logical and business validations).
- Receive immediate rejection feedback, using schema auth.092.001.03.
- Search their Trade Activity, Rejection and Trade State data from the EMIR REFIT Portal. Data searching may be limited at this first stage.
- Access all EMIR REFIT documentation available in the EMIR REFIT Portal.
We would like to remind Participants that the current EMIR UAT environment will continue to be available for Participants to test their solutions under the present reporting standards.